We are a lively, loving congregation, serving God's will in the heart of Edgware.

Make yourself at home with us. Join our Celebration Service any Sunday at 10:30 a.m.


celebration service

Situated in the heart of Edgware, we are a family of diverse nationalities devoted to glorifying and walking with the Lord Jesus Christ.

We embrace this joy of who we are and what we believe in in our weekly Celebration Service.

We look to fresh encounters with Jesus that translate into deep conviction and commitment to be who He wants us to be.


“ For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (English Standard Version, Ephesians 2:10)

Ministries are an outflow of our love for Jesus. They are geared to building up people - to live out their God-given gifts, passions and purposes.

We invite you to discover what meets your needs and how you can serve in different capacities. Whether it’s youth, children, hospitality, audio-visual team, there’s always room for one more!

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Sharing Jesus and making Him known in our communities sums up our vision, “Enjoying God, Loving People”.

Life groups, street evangelism, parents and toddlers’ group, knitting and table tennis clubs, Healing on the Streets (HOTS) are channels of outreaches - ways in which we obey the Great Commandment and fulfil the Great Commission.

Come, join in our weekly Sunday Celebration Services at 10.30 am. Worship is vibrant, messages are Word-based and Spirit-led for life and community transformation. Youth and children sessions run concurrently after a time of worship together with the adults.

Scroll down for more details on our youth and children sessions on our ministries page.

in person prayer meeting on first Tuesday of every month

Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Emmanuel Edgware: February

Emmanuel Westminster: March

Sign up for easter conference today!

Open to anyone who attends Emmanuel Church

Life Groups

  • Are you interested to know more about Jesus?

  • Do you want to grow and help others grow in walking with God?

  • Are you looking for like-minded Christians to encourage you?

  • Are you eager to serve the Lord?

Well, the best way to do this is to join a life group!

Why Are Life Groups So Important?

The life of the church flows in and through the life groups. It is in the life groups that you feel the pulse of the church. God calls us into community – with Himself and with our fellow Christians. Until and unless we develop relationships with other Christians and become part of a biblical community, we cannot grow to our full potential and impact others for Christ. Groups are small enough for authentic relationships to be fostered and for the love of Christ to be practically expressed.

Therefore, life groups are not optional – they are vital!

Being part of Emmanuel Church without being in a life group would be like a child without a family!

How Do I Join A Life Group?

If you are interested in finding out more about our life groups, please contact info@emmanuelchurch.org.uk. Hear from you soon!


As part of building a faith community with Jesus as the head, every member is encouraged to be an effective minister and not just the ‘full time’ pastoral staff. Gifts both natural and spiritual gifts should be used for the building up the body of Christ, both the local church, the wider Body of Christ.

"We are also created for good works that show love and impact the community." - 1 Cor 12:7 

"Serving is an important avenue by which God’s purpose in moulding each one to conform to the image of His Son is fulfilled." - Eph 2:10

Children’s Ministry  

We partner with parents to help children on their faith journey to become disciples of Christ. Through age-specific lessons and activities, our children learn biblical truths that they can apply to their life each week.

Our Sunday classes in Arrows (5-11’s) and Little Arrows (3-5’s) are run by volunteers who are DBS checked. For more information, please email info@emmanuelchurch.org.uk

Emmanuel Playgroup

A parents and toddlers group for babies to 3 years old. A fantastic way to connect with other parents while your little ones play or interact in a fun and safe environment.

Fun, games, toys, painting, music and singing!

Every Thursday during school term time only (10am to 11:30am).

For more information, please email info@emmanuelchurch.org.uk.


“How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” (English Standard Version, Psalm 119:9-11)

Our vision is to raise up young people grounded in the Word of God and growing in their personal relationship with Jesus. We look to our youth having a godly attitude of excellence in all that they are and do.

If you are between 11 to 18 years old, join us on Sunday mornings!

For more information, email info@emmanuelchurch.org.uk

TREE Ministry


Break every chain.

The Truth Restoration Exchange Encounter (TREE) is a ministry that seeks to help individuals build a stronger relationship with God, by encountering the Holy Spirit and experiencing truths that set them free to progress in the journey of sanctification. We strongly believe that we are set free from past hurts and baggage that we have carried through the power of Jesus Christ. Our lives have been replaced by God’s truth.

For more information email tree@emmanuelchurch.org.uk

Healing on the streets (HOTS)

With more people facing health challenges and dealing with loneliness, we go out on the streets of Edgware to pray for people who need healing in their bodies and other areas of their lives. Often, we encounter people who just need someone to talk to and we provide a listening ear.

For more information email hots@emmanuelchurch.org.uk

Knitting & Crochet Group

A great opportunity to meet and connect with people while learning a new skill. Our knitting and crochet group also helps combat loneliness and isolation, attracting people from all walks of life, with different backgrounds, ages and interests. Join us for a relaxing and creative time together. Fridays from 10:00am.

For more information email serahtan@emmanuelchurch.org.uk

Table Tennis Club

Our table tennis club meets twice a week and the aim is to keep fit, fellowship, show love, kindness and share the good news to everyone who comes. All are welcome, including beginners.

For more information email admin@emmanuelchurch.org.uk

A wonderful multicultural church! I love the family vibe and the uplifting worship. People are so welcoming and friendly. I am so glad to call this my spiritual home and a place to grow my faith”
— Lilly (Google review)